
    RootSocket is a platform for applications that need to rely on real-time communication technologies. It enables you to run WebSockets at scale and efficiently between browsers, applications or any device.

    What's the idea behind RootSocket?

    Provide you with an easy way to exploit faster communications between your clients and tighter integrations with your internal and external infrastructure.

    What RootSocket does

    Modern applications require more performance and speed. Our WebSockets are fast, efficient and unlock a new way to process messages in real-time for you. It also allows you to do more than just deliver a message to a client, you will be able to filter, connect and send messages to different platforms directly.

    Why RootSocket?

    There are many platforms that offer some kind of WebSocket technology but our goal is to make using and implementing a WebSocket as pain free as possible and open more possibilities for developers and operations.

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    Last edited on February 02, 2023.
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